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Federal Agency Benefits of NARA Compliance

Federal government personnel have access to documents and records that impact the safety and quality of life for hundreds of millions of people living in the United States of America. Some of these may be permanently accessible for historical records, and others may need to be temporarily accessible for any number of reasons, such as transparency and accountability.

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has recently indicated that it will prioritize and accelerate the digitization of records, and that processes should be in place to transition to fully electronic recordkeeping across all Federal agencies.

We review the importance of maintaining Federal agency compliance with NARA guidelines and requirements.

NARA’s Strategy Behind Digitization Priorities

NARA describes their strategy behind these new initiatives and priorities, which include

  • maximizing NARA’s value to the nation through measurable economic value,

  • connecting with customers, e.g., individuals, organizations, and other Federal agencies,

  • enabling public access to government records, and,

  • building an engaging, innovative, and skilled workforce to support and lead the implementation of this strategy.

In addition to this vision set by NARA, there are additional incentives driving agencies to prioritize digitization of records.

Avoid Delays in Program Management

Program managers and other agency end users cannot afford to be delayed in meeting their mission. Records management goals run the risk of being perceived as another piece of burdensome regulation, with rules to which they must adhere.

Fortunately, working in partnership with our IBM, Document Systems, Inc. (DSI) has technologies and processes that both the program managers and records management officers can use to expedite the classification of documents, using advanced methodologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Achieve Greater Efficiencies in Agency Business

With the right technology, agency program managers can improve ability to achieve various business processes, while simultaneously complying with the records management requirements set by NARA.

DSI streamlines the records management processing to achieve greater efficiencies for your agency business processes. The system we offer and created by our partner IBM, integrates the records management seamlessly into the business process. IBM® Records Manager® is a records management engine that enhances business applications to offer robust and rich electronic records management capabilities.

Streamlining and automating records management processing can accelerate the business process while helping your agency to become compliant with NARA rules.

Adhere to Best Practices Recommended for All Agencies

Agencies are making progress towards achieving goals for records management set by NARA to comply with standards and best practices already in place at leading agencies such as the Department of Defense.

The DoD Standard 5015.2 and the Records Management Application (RMA) Product Register is a national government standard to which all vendors should be held prior to providing any services or technologies in support of the NARA recommendations to Federal agencies.

In meeting this standard set by the DoD records management leadership, technology systems have been evaluated and approved by DoD to support enhanced content management functionality.

Companies and products on this DoD RMA Product Register have ability to support detailed Federal government records management functionality that is hardwired into the system. In effect, it suggests that millions of dollars have already been invested, to enable the collection of metadata, meet security standards, and provide a baseline of other required features.

DSI, through our partnership with IBM, has met the requirements for the DoD RMA Product Register. This registry serves as a foundational screen to identify industry-standard best practices for functionality in records management.

Create a Plan for NARA Compliance with Document Systems, Inc.

NARA inspectors are making their rounds to meet with and evaluate performance of all Federal government agencies, and their inspection reports are being published and reviewed by officials to identify those who are not in compliance.

Call on us to work with you in strategic planning and financial modeling, as you approach your agency executives to enlist their support.

DSI was founded 1988. Our company is certified by the SBA as a Small Disadvantaged Business. We are a HUBZone business. DSI is automating records management at numerous government agencies, such as HHS CMS, USDA, and HUD among others. We have established partnerships with industry leaders to harness the power of machine learning and natural language processing that improve efficiencies which can only be managed using artificial intelligence, due to the sheer volume of data being generated and digitized.

Reach out to us, to create a plan on how to solve these problems, and achieve compliance with NARA recommendations, at your office and agency.

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